Thursday, October 27, 2016


Good Morning!

So, I received this question in my e-mail yesterday and wanted to share with all of you the discussion.

Q: Dear Ask A Day Care Pro, I have a 3 year-old daughter who refuses to try new foods or eat enough to keep her full.  I'm wondering if you have any tips or tricks to deal with a picky eater.  HELP!

Dundee, IL

A: I totally understand your frustration with this as I've dealt with it in my daycare many times.  First of all, if you want your child to get excited and interested in certain foods (let's say organic fruits for example), when you go the store, bring them to the area where that type of food is, and let them pick it for themselves.  This way, it becomes their choice, and hence they are excited to eat it later because they feel they chose it.  I find it also helps to get them their own cart.  Often a store will have kids carts or you can even bring a play cart or a cute basket or bag that your child uses and is familiar with at home.  It increases their self-esteem and responsibility.

Secondly, just prior to mealtime, have them help as much as possible with the food preparation.  Involving them in the process definitely increases their eagerness to eat what they helped make.

Things to try: Have her wash the fruit under the water herself.  Have her plate the food for herself or even help set out food for the family meal with you.

Finally, when it's time to eat it, explain that there's a reason we eat.  Tell her encouraging things like, "now your going to become a big grown up girl" or "this is how we adults stay strong and healthy".  Encouragement goes a lot further than scolding or forcing them against their will.

Now here's some definite dont's:
NEVER threaten to or actually punish them at a mealtime as it creates negative thoughts about the entire eating experience as a whole.  Also DON'T force feed food into their mouth or hold their chin or mouth open or use any type of physical "adult" power as it will overwhelm them and take away their own personal choice in eating the meal.  EAT WITH THEM.  Mimicking your eating behavior is one of the best tools for getting them to enjoy the mealtime.  You can REWARD them.  Every time she eats a new food, a healthier food, or simply finishes the meal, either you list her on a wall sticker chart, give a prize or a treat, or honestly, simple praise, like applause, cheering, or encouraging words from mom can go a long way in letting her know that she did something GREAT!

Hope this is useful to you and your daughter in making meals a worthwhile and fun family activity.

If you have questions, concerns, or have some great advice that you would like to share on this blog, you can write me directly at:

Love your kids, love your life!

Jennifer Schwartz
"Ask A Daycare Pro"

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