Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Here we go again... it's another Winter season and with it, all the expectations of the forthcoming holidays.  Here's some suggestions for how to keep you and your little ones as busy as Santa's elves, while avoiding the possible "holiday blues".

There's plenty to do both inside and outside and staying active keeps everyone happy and joyful.

Things to do outside:

Take a winter walk.  Warming up those cold muscles and "getting the blood flowing" is important in these months especially in colder parts of the country.  Going to the park you can see the holiday decorations, meet new friends, or even have a snowball fight!  For the science-minded parents, explaining "where snow comes from" can be an educational and rewarding talk as well.

Ice skating has been a popular family activity for many, many years across the world.  Teaching the little ones to skate for the first time is a chance to realize another "first achievement" goal.  Holding the child's hand side-by-side builds trust and love.  This is a good opportunity to applaud as they proudly show off their new skill.  There's also sledding and skiing, making snow angels or the classic "building a snowman".

Going and picking up a Christmas Tree and/or a holiday wreath and decorating the house is always fun and creates memories to cherish for all involved.

At the shopping mall, checking out the window displays is often a fun and "eye-filling" time.  One thing I like to do at my daycare is SNOW GRAFFITI.  Simply take food coloring of various colors, mix with water, and blend inside a spray bottle or sport water bottle.  Similar to sidewalk chalk, the kids can make their own colorful outdoor displays without causing any damage to themselves or the surroundings.

Make a honey birdfeeder.  By taking a simple used paper towel or toilet paper roll and covering it in honey (NOT GLUE!) you can roll it in bird feed you pick up at the store.  Make sure to hang it close to a window so the children will delight in the exciting outdoor activity.  Another "one for the birds" is to string raisins, popcorn, cereal along the branches of a nearby tree so your local "feathered friends" can have something to eat in the cold while the kids enjoy watching the action!

Things to do inside:

Let's cook and bake!  This winter time of year offers that opportunity to prepare many things including sweets and treats that the family has been used to having for many years.  Nothing says the holidays like the sweet smell of hot cocoa, fresh baked cookies, apple cider, and that delicious pie grandma is famous for.  (Remember to get that recipe this year!)

Arts and Crafts.  Kids always enjoy getting messy making "free art".  Provide them with construction paper, glue, tape, markers, crayons, glitter (and lots of paper towels!), various cereal nuggets, paint, chalk, stamps and other elements that will allow them to be creative.

Making custom holiday cards or tree ornaments is a good family time activity.  There are various flour and water recipes available on the internet* to make ornaments you can bake and have the kids customize so they feel they have a special area of the tree, wreath or house. 

Even though there are plenty of bags in the attic or basement of last year's decorations, giving the kids the opportunity to express themselves makes them feel special and turns each year into a new environment and fresh experience.  At this time of year, many catalogs are available (old picture books too!) that have images for creating collages with which kids always seem to enjoy making. 

Now that you have plenty of things to put up, it's time to decorate the house or apartment.  First, MAKE A PLAN TOGETHER so everyone has tasks that allow them to share in the fun.  Trimming the tree is the most famous part, but there's also the hanging of lights both inside and out.  You can run garlands and greens along stairway railings, hang wreaths and ornaments, replace standard candles with red, silver or green, prepare the menorah, or spiritual offering(cresh), or other means to customize your home.  Replacing tablecloths and placemats with holiday-centric ones reminds everyone at dinner that "the season is upon us".

Whatever activities you do choose to do, make sure that everyone in the family is included and involved.  By raising the spirit and creating joy all throughout your household, you are making moments that will matter and will last forever!

*Here's a simple and safe ornament dough recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/9528/ornament-dough/?internalSource=hub%20recipe&referringContentType=search%20results&clickId=cardslot%202

If you have questions, concerns, or have some great advice that you would like to share on this blog, you can write me directly at: askadaycarepro@gmail.com

Love your kids, love your life!

Jennifer Schwartz
"Ask A Daycare Pro"

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